Monday, June 15, 2009

Week Three

As we enter the third week, we’re approaching the half-way point of this course. Then we’ll be going down the hill. Superb!! In the first two weeks, the technology tools and assignments might not be challenging because many of you already know about word processing, PowerPoint, Excel, and Web authoring. But some of you might be feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work in this intensive course. Just hand in there and remember to ask for help.

This Week:

We’ll be learning about spreadsheets, Inspiration (and Kidspiration), and digital citizenship. We will also start planing for the video project. These programs can be powerful tools for teaching and learning. You should also work on the PowerPoint and Journals/Blogs assignment.

Journal 3:
Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2009). Too cool for school? No way! Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(7), 14-18. This article is in the May 2009 issue.

Journal 4:
We are going to move outside of L&L for Journal 4. This journal comes from a magazine called "T.h.e Journal," which is a complimentary magazine when you join CUE, or Computer Using Educators (You don’t need to join CUE to access the paper. I have provided the article at WebCT). It has some great articles and is another resource for reading fun. For journal 4, I want you to read the article, "Moderating and Ethics for the Classroom Instructional Blog," by Paricia Deubel. The article is available at the class WebCT.

This Week’s Question:

How would you define technology? When you see this term, what comes to your mind?

You need to respond to the weekly questions to receive some credits for the "Participation" category. A brief response (one paragraph) is good enough.


  1. I would define technology as new and improvements in something that is electronic. I do also understand that technology could be new scientific accomplishments as well. Generally speaking I think of technology as new learning skills. Though I guess you could say that if someone comes up with a new way to paint on a canvas it could be defined as technology.

  2. As a student of history I can see this term in a few different ways. Technology can be any sort of information that is used to train societal members. For example, it can be the wheel, a boot spur, a tool for agriculture, a weapon, or even a piece of paper and a pencil. Today, we are trained to think of technology as some sort of appliance or electronic but it is in fact any sort of invention or method that people can use.

  3. When I use to see the term "
    technology" it would make me think of the things that I didn't have the ability to do with technology. This class has really helped to clarify different technological "mediums" ie Web 2.0 applications to use in the classroom. Technology is any sort of tool or device that encourages a different approach to learning. It can be as simple as a pencil or as complicated as a computer application. Technology can be helpful as a new and exciting way to present information, but it has its drawbacks as well. Students can become lazy or forget to back-up their work. Furthermore, problems exist with plagerization and also sources which do not conatin authentic data.

  4. When I think of Technology I think of my Computer, Television, and Microwave. I think of using the Web 2.0 and other applications on my personal computer. I see technology everywhere I go. In the grocery store the check outstand is filled with electronic gadgets. My car itself is one big technology gadget on wheels. This world is becoming more and more technology driven, and it is just a matter of time until we our selves are machines.

  5. Technology. Every time I hear that word I always think of the last scene in the movie "Napoleon Dynamite." Kip sings a song about his love for his woman and technology. But to me, technology is the many ways things are made easier. Technology is this computer and even the watch that I am not wearing. Technology is my car, it's my TV, and it's my xbox 360 waiting for me at home! Woo hoo! Technology comes in the forms of innovative weapons used by our military. Technology is in so many different forms and can be seen in almost every aspect of our everyday lives. Technology is something that we must stay on top of, it has become a way of life. Without technology I don't know where we would be. Certainly not the most powerful nation on the planet, that's for sure!

  6. When I think of technology, I think of Research and Development in medical advancement, I think of cell phones and microwaves, and I think of computers. It's funny, though, when I signed up for this course I just thought, "Yeah, yeah, another computer class." It amazes me to see now why the class is called Technology for Teachers, and not just Computers 422. There has been so much advancement with the development of computer science, that if you blink you will get behind. The class still covers computer applications, but by using the term "Technology," we are able to see how major developments in the past few years have affected the use of computers in today's society. It reminds me how what was once referred to as "Typing Class," is now referred to as "Keyboarding Class." It's still the same class, just a little bit better.

  7. When I think of the term "technology" sometimes a sense of fear comes to my mind. Even though I use some form of technology everyday, I still don't understand all of it and sometimes find myself getting frustrated when I am working with certain devices. Technology has come a far way and has changed pretty much everyones life, it is also a good way to improve communication and can prove the growth of humankind. My only concern and sometimes fear of technology is the fact that most of us depend on technology way to much.If something were to happen to the internet, for example, probably billions of people would loose their job because they either work on the internet or rely to much on it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Technology - mechanical or otherwise based tools which are an advancement from the original humanoid state to perform anytype or various types of functions in the human existence. Of course, when I hear the word technology I think of computers. I started with Fortran and punch cards in college computer science in 1979. I do not first think of the wheel or a dam as technology but they are forms of technology. I am sure that my grandchildren will feel the same way about the old television set which is so rapidly changing.

  10. When I think of technology now I think of this class. I have not had a computer class like this where it allows one to explore different technological resources available on the internet. I am learning many things, specially the many resources that are available on the internet to help me as a future educator.

  11. When I think of technology it makes me feel a bit overwhelmed. There is so much to learn, so much to keep up with. Taking this tech class is great because it exposes us to what is available for us as future teachers. I don't want to be in the dark about the technology options that can make my life easier as a teacher. Technology will always be changing and therefore our commitment to lifelong learning will be pursued.

  12. Technology is the organizational power we all have been hoping for. It transcends everyday data storage. It compresses data to many small hand held devices that most of us can't seem to do without. We have them in the our homes, offices, cars, purses, and attached to our ears. it has become the all powerful... a "god" in a sense. It has made us a slave to its abilities and talents. Every time you think you have it figured out it morphs into another form. It is like the "holy grail" promising magic powers for the one who can grasp it and use its powers.

    I think technology is one of those terms that you conceptually understand, but most of us can't find the exact words to define it. We know what function it serves in our day-today lifes, but that is only a small part of what it is. Technology has almost developed a three dementional persona or ife of its own in our culture and many other cultures.

    In education it has become an invaluable supplementary to teachers curriculum. In the classrooms, it is a magnificant support tool to students with special needs and even other students. It motivates many students to do better because of the personal interactive abilities it has. Over all it is a wonderful tool to have.

  13. To me, when I hear the word technology, I think of modern day technological advances; computers, GPS, video games, iPhones, etc. However, the term is much more, as someone else mentioned. Technology can be any type of "aide" people use to adapt to their ever changing environment. Simple tools to advanced radar systems can all be categorized as technology.
    I have never thought of myself as someone who is technologically savvy, however, as this class continues, I have been made aware of many applications of technology. Technology remains intimidating to me in many respects, but the more I get to know about the different aspects and applications the more comfortable I become.

  14. For me technology is similar to what most have already said. Technology is something that helps some one do a task with greater ease. Technology today makes me think of things like computers, GPS, iPhones and other devices like those. I think that technology is something that will always have a different term to different generations based on the new technology.

  15. Technology is knowledge. It can be interrelated to any subject. Through technology we are able to better grasp and further explore different matters. Technology can also be fun, it is iphones, mercedes driver and passenger settings of preference from everything to seat warmers and radio preference, it is home settings of ac, heat, lighting etc. Technology is really here for our benefit, it makes our lives simpler and more enjoyable. However in regard to students, it is very important we teach students to do simple tasks, such as proofread their own work, without the technical tool spell check.

  16. Whenever I think of technology I think of anything electronic. That can be anything from TVs to Computers to Cell phones. Technology is an electronic device that is designed to help people do something, whether it does or not can depend. Sometimes I see technology as something that makes things more complicated while at other times technology is used to make things quicker and simpler, on the condition of course that you are fluent with said technology.

  17. I agree with Noreen that the general conception of technology has come to be viewed more narrowly than it should be. Technology has come to mean any device you can plug into a wall or power with a battery. But historically, technology has been the application of knowledge to manipulate our natural environment. Things we consider so rudimentary now were revolutionary when they occurred---the sharpening of flint, the plow, the riding stirrup, tools for written language, the development of bronze from copper and tin, followed by iron, the telescope, the microscope, the compass, the printing press, and so on.
    It is important to keep a broader conception of technology in mind because not to do so could itself stifle the creative application of knowledge in the future.

  18. When I hear the word technology I am instantly overwhelmed. I use a lot of technology in my daily life but it is not advanced technology by any means. I know how to do very basic actions with cell phones, computers, mp3 players, and t.v's. Technology is a wide variety of things including all of the things that I use and much more. I believe that technology would be defined as anything that can be used, mainly electronics, to assist in easing the difficulties in our daily life.

  19. Technology is the set of tools that allow our lives to be so incredibly good at the start of the 21st century. Without technology, how could you watch tv and use your cell phone traveling at 35,000 feet at a speed of 500mph and access the internet (allegedly) with a chance of dying <0.00000003%?
    In my world as a medicinal chemist technology affords the human condition a greater freedom from suffering and disease!!!!!

  20. Technology to me was using a tool or some kind of machinery to change our environment. Early on we used a rock or pointed stick and have obviously advanced way beyond that at this point. We seem to have gotten to a point where technology also has become a tool to share knowledge and resources and bring each other closer together. Unfortunately it can also have a negative side. The wheel is a wonderful life enhancing technology, but when it is the wheel on a tank driving through your home it is a lot less a boon. Technology used well can enhance your life and those around you. Implemented badly it can become harmful. Also it can become a crutch. My cell phone storing all my numbers for me is great until I have to call someone when I don't have it and can't look up their number. All in all I'm happy with technology; I don't mind not living in an unheated cave anymore.

  21. To me, technology represents a wide range of tools that make tasks easier (or possible). I have mixed feelings where technology is concerned. It seems like it has both improved and worsened our quality of life. While technology has made it possible to complete projects at a faster pace, it seems like our laundry list of things to do just grows and we are still, on average, just as busy. We can almost instantaneously reach people across the globe with the click of a mouse but this ability has made many relationships take on an almost abstract quality. Video games and other forms of technological entertainment are fun and interesting but some people become so immersed in them that their family and social life suffers. While I have to admit I don’t want to go back to pounding dirty laundry on a rock, I think we need to walk a careful balance between appreciating the things that make life easier and forgetting the things that make us essentially human.

  22. When I think about technology, the first thing that comes to mind is anything electronic such as electronic devices. I think of technology as objects including televisions, cellphones, i-pods, and computers. However, the more that I think about technology, I think about what it has done for myself personally and society as a whole. Technology has not only been beneficial for personal and social use but it has assisted in things such as research for medical purposes, space exploration, and communication when it comes to foreign affairs.

  23. When I see the term technology, I think first of cold shiny things I can hold or touch. Then my mind relaxes around the concept of tools and I accommodate plastics and wood—warmer things. Then I generalize more to “ways of getting things done.” The “ways” may be procedures and traditions. For example money is a means of storing value. The concept of money includes rules and protocols for exchanging goods and services. These procedures can become a social agreement divorced from anything cold or shiny that can be touched. So, I like the definition, technology is a way of getting something done.

  24. Technology is something that is new and innovative that has come out for something that is either electric or it is that can be apply to something. When i see the term i think of something like a new telephone or an ipod. That is the electronic thought that comes to mind. I also think of different methods to approach things as a technology. I think this way as being a technology as well because it is new and never done before.

  25. When I think of technology, I think something that is new and mechanical/electric. I think of things like computers, televisions, cd players, ipods, and more. I would define technology as something new, improved, and something that will make human life better or easier. For example, computers and internet make it easier to communicate with people that are far away.

  26. I think that technology in a general sense is anything invented by humans to do anything. Use of a technology would have an impact on our lives in some way. For example, it may be a tool to make an existing task easier, or it might be a device that makes something possible that was not possible before.
