Saturday, May 30, 2009


Welcome to EDUC422 summer 2009. We’ll be exploring various technological tools for teaching and learning. We will focus on how students can use technology in their learning, in addition to learning how to use these tools in teaching.

The course is intensive because the regular 16-week instruction is compressed into 5 weeks. It can be very challenging and demanding. As a class, we’ll need to help one another.

In the first week, we will get to know the course, discuss the syllabus, learn how to use a Mac, and explore Web 2.0 applications-- blogs, wikis, and social bookmarks-- in educational settings.

Reading and Journal #1:

Johnson, D. (2007). Your Google guide. Learning & Leading with Technology, 34(8), 25-26.

This article is from Learning & Leading with Technology (L&L). You need be an ISTE member to access the article.
For instructions on how to find articles at ISTE, visit our class WebCT. In the Tutorials folder in Course Content. Look for Searching L&L (a PDF document).

Your task this week:
  1. Purchase supplies
  2. Join ISTE & Taskstream
  3. Do EdTechProfile
  4. Post your self-introduction on your blog and read 3 other introductions and give feedback to the authors
  5. Start the Internet (Delicious social bookmarks) and web page (wiki) assignments

This blog serves as a channel of class communication. I will update the class information every week. You need to come here and read the information to stay in the loop. You also need to show me that you are participating in the class by responding to the question of the week.

This week’s question: How do you use Web 2.o? (If you do not have any Web 2.o experience, describe your impression of it.)
