Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Week Four

I'm sure many of you are feeling overwhelmed, but we are almost finished!! Hang in there. There are only a few more new assignments left. I realize that it is difficult to get everything completed in such a short amount of time, but y'all are doing great!

Last Week: Finish your Graphic Organizer (Inspiration) assignment and collaborative Digital Citizenship/ Copyright assignment (newsletter).

This Week: On Monday we’ll start software reviews, work on the tracking sheet, and plan for the video project. On Wednesday, we will film the video stories and start editing the video clips using iMovie. The video project is partly group work and partly individual. Your group will develop a storyboard and write the script as well as film your story together. Then individuals will edit the same footage but apply personal styles. We’ll also revisit NETS-T and Taskstream. Finally, the database assignment is canceled.

Journal 5:
Turkle, S. (2007). Can you hear me now? Retrieved June 5, 2009, from

(This article is also available at the class WebCT).

Journal 6:
Read ONE of these articles about concept mapping:

  • Owen, A. (2002). Mapping student minds. Learning & Leading with Technology, 29(7), 6-9 & 26.
  • Anderson-Inman, L., & Ditson, L. (1999). Computer-based concept mapping: A tool for negotiating meaning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 26(8), 6-13.

This Week's Question: (Last week I asked about your definition of technology.) What is the relationship between technology and education?


  1. Throughout time technology and education have been linked together. Each new notion or tool has been passed on to another person or it would have been forgotten about. What good is technology if it cannot be shared in society? If the Chinese had never shared their paper making technology, then we would never have books or other paper made goods. If George Stephenson had never shared the steam engine we would have never had the industrial revolution. If Bill Gates never shared Microsoft we would not be in this class. Technology necessitates education.

  2. I have discovered there are many uses of thechnology in the classrom, much more than I ever realized before this class.

    It can be a motivating tool to many children and help the ones who are struggling. About thirteen years ago I bought "Math Blaster" for my great nephew who was having a hard time with math. The program was set up on an award system. The more questions he got right the more amo he would recieve for the game. His math skills improved by leaps and bounds. I also bought him a reading and writing progam named "Orally." A little Jamacian girl would tell stories. Then she would instruct him to draw and make up stories himself.
    He just graduated high school. There are 5 full-sholarship offers on the table for him to choose from.
    Technology offers a lending hand to classroom teachers. In that it supports, the struggling student. Students can work at their own pace and receive feed back immediately, in some instances they are not permitted to more forward until they are proficient with that level.
    There are Children with "Cerebral Palsy" that have been given a voice with technology, or at leaste away to communicate. Children with "Autism" have been able to communicate with the help of techno-tools.
    All-in-all there is an intimate relationship between technology and education.

  3. Technology and education are like two hikers working their way up the mountainside. they work symbiotically because as one hiker helps the other up to move forward, then that hiker can give the first hiker a hand up. they are mutually beneficial and key to eachother's existence.
    One aspect of technology that really makes me pleased is that it can give a voice to those students in the classroom who are not eager participants in the general classroom environment for whatever reason. Not only are discussion boards accessible to them in a nonthreatening or stressful way, but also their individual and group projects allow them to communicate their ideas and reflections in an authentic way.

  4. Technology and education actually are a lot a like because they intertwine with each other. The reason why I feel this is true is because more and more classes are resorting to computer usage. All your homework has to be typed up. Next you have a thing call webct where you have access to an online syllabus vs a paper one. Also on webct you have your papers do there. So as you can see thru some of the examples I have stated technology is education rather then just a relationship between them

  5. I think that technology and education are beneficial partners on a team. They can both work just fine individually, but together they can help each other achieve bigger and better things. With the use of technology in the classroom, we are able to help our students succeed in ways that may never have seemed possible before.

  6. Education has always been the source for most of a person's acquisition of knowledge. Technology until the recent past was a set of tools used to implement our acquired knowledge to different settings and issues. As the Journal # 5 article argues the technology of today has taken over our lives as well as in many instances our educational systems. We seem more impressed with a person's use of technology than the content of the message coming from the person's use of the technology. I for one would like to see more effort in the depth of subject matter knowledge and some tempering of the technology craze.

  7. I think there is a huge relationship between education and technology. I think technology usually improves education. Technology makes it much easier to communicate with teachers. In this technology day, almost all teachers e-mail so students or parents can e-mail the teacher questions or concerns. E-mail is also on cell phones now so these e-mails can go straight to anyones phone which makes it very fast to communicate. Technology also has the internet which has a lot of information for people to learn from and research.

  8. I believe technology can greatly enhance the learning of students in the classroom. One thing with technology is that it connects on all the different types of learning styles; technology is hands on, visual, and auditory. Everyone's ability to learn is greatly linked to the fact that technology is used in the classroom. The interrelationship between education and technology is simple. Technology is used to educate oneself, but at the same time, one must educate themselves on technology.

  9. The relationship between technology and education is one that is ever changing and expanding. Technology is used in countless ways to teach and communicate with students, parents, and the community. As technology advances so do the possibilities of its use in education. Students are becoming more and more advanced and experienced in the ways of technology. It is the educator's job to continue to learn about the applications of technology and they will best translate into educational tools to enhance curriculum. Students can use their knowledge of technology to do research, communicate, discuss, and become an active participate in their educational growth.

  10. Technology and Education has an interesting relationship because sometimes they can go hand and hand and other times they fight each other. Technology gives students more ways they can subvert educational goals but at the same time it also gives teachers the ability to enhance their teaching abilities. I think sometimes teachers use technology for the sake of using technology instead of enhancing the educational experience. I think if an instructor chooses to use technology they must be absolutely sure that it is improving their abilities to teach. The usefulness of technology sometimes is dependent on the ability of the user so i also think a teacher needs to be sure they completely understand the technology they are using otherwise it won't nearly be as useful.

  11. As others have stated, there is a connection between technology and education, otherwise we would not be taking this course :)
    This question reminds me of the article we read last week "Too Cool for school? No Way! by Mishra P., and Koehler,M. The authors state "that almost everything that is artificial—the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the pencils we use to scribble notes, and the computers we use to browse the Web—is technology, whether low tech or high tech." I agree with this statement. In order to know technology or know how to work technological devices one must first be educate in order to use it. As technology advances and students have the latest "tech toys" we as teachers need to keep up with these devices, and as the article suggested use the resources and incoporate them for educational purposes.

  12. As we all know at this point, technology is here to stay and it's not going anywhere. Because it is here to stay, we, as teachers, should be well-versed on the current software, applications and devices that are available. Because we are considered "Immigrants," and the children are considered "Natives," it is more important than ever to understand the world of technology as they see it. While I am still a firm believer of the old-fashioned standards of teaching the basics, I feel it is important to utilize technology in everyday life, at least in some basic fashion.

  13. In my lifetime technology in education has changed immensely. I remember film strips where now students can watch a clip from almost any subject matter quickly located on a computer. DVD's are available to enrich students learning, computers are available for teachers to communicate with parents and students, and of course computers help us with research and many applications. As a teacher I believe we will continually be evaluating new technolgy to see how it enhances our life and our students. We must not be afraid to learn about the advantages of technology but also not shy away from the basics that still have value in our classroom. Just because something is new doesn't necessarily mean it is better.

  14. Technology and education have been tightly linked for a very long time. Technology when used properly can enhance the teaching and learning experience. A great deal of education deals with teaching students to use new technology and to cope in a world affected by its use. Way back when a caveman picked up a piece of charcoal to diagram hunts to teach new hunters how to hunt properly, the meld between technology and teaching began. The key seems to be to find a balance of using technology for education that is new enough to be relevant and yet established enough to be familiar enough to the students that it enhances the learning rather than adding a new layer of knowledge to be acquired.

  15. One of the main purposes of education is to prepare students to be active participants in the workforce and society in general. The acquisition of technological skills is critical to our ability to perform in the workplace so it has become an integral part of nearly every curriculum. Without this knowledge, our students' ability to effectively perform in our society would be extremely limited. Technology has also enhanced learning in many ways. There are almost limitless educational programs available today that can help in the teaching of everything from the alphabet to algebra.

  16. Technology and education have a synergistic relationship that when properly utilized can greatly enrich the learning experience. Students, through technology, can access various types of information, manipulate it using graphic displays and explain their findings in a variety of media. They can also get their results to their teachers, other students, students in other countries etc. etc..

  17. I believe that technology and education are one and the same. Teachers need technology to teach. Students use technology for research and studying. I see technology becoming a staple in the educational community. Technology is here to stay and there is nothing to stop it. The true question is... are you ready for it?

  18. Education is about acquiring knowledge and skills. Learning how to use a certain technology, as well as using this technology as a means of facilitating learning in another subject area, are both about acquiring knowledge and skills, so in a way, technology and education are one and the same.

  19. Technology can real beneficial when partnered up to education. Last week when I defined technology, I said it was knowledge. When technology and education are used together it provides further knowledge and a more in depth look into whatever the subject matter may be. It is very wise for a teacher to use technology is the classroom because it provides a different form of learning. Not all students learn the same, some may learn by simply reading the material while others may learn through incorporating technology to the lesson.

  20. Technology is something a modern child must learn about while at the same time it is a tool for accomplishing education.
    As machines are able to take on more tasks, what is it that the human mind should be doing? With a changing body of knowledge and the need to learn and adapt throughout life, education needs to output individuals capable of embracing change. The metaphor, teach them how to fish, informs the process we are tackling.
    Technology is both human and mechanical. To the extent we acknowledge anything mechanistic will break, we can appreciate on the other hand that human systems learn and grow if they are designed appropriately, i.e. flexibly.
    I believe low-tech alternatives should be honored as a back-up and as a basis for a deep understanding of principles. Fear of technology highlights where everyone needs education.
    One task educators face is to frame a comfortable window for each student to look through.

  21. Technology has advanced and expanded over the years and now has a huge impact on education. When talking with my parents, they explain how when they were in college, they were forced to write term papers by hand as opposed to typing them. Now days, class instructors will not accept a paper unless it is word-processed. In a way, this has raised the bar for assignment requirements such as the length of any given assignment. However, technology is an extremely beneficial tool in education. When it comes to research, the internet has allowed students to have access to many more reputable resources. Technology in education has also assisted in communication between teachers, students and students parents.

  22. The relationship between technology and education is a growing concept. With new technology, teachers have new opportunities to incorporate them in the classroom by making new learning activities. Technology also helps the student remain engaged in the classroom and even unite student, teachers and even parents. Education also helps develop technology and the more we advance intellectually the faster technology is created.

  23. Technology and education are helpful but not always necessary. A teacher can still teach just using a book and a black board. Students can still read just using a book. The great inventor Steve Wozniak said the apple computer can only do the things that can be done with a paper and pencil. I do believe that we can make education better using technology. We can show clips from movies when teaching history. We can listen to the music of Mozart when teaching about him. We can see interactive mapping when studying areas of the world. I think technology will enhance the education experience of most students and make it more relevant as well.

  24. In the biggeer scheme of things, I believe perhaps one of the most important aspects of the relationship between technology and education is the democratizing effect that technology has on education. In the relm of ideas and information, technology creates a more level playing field among users of ideas and information, such as researchers, students and teachers. Facts or purported facts are verifiable or deniable almost instantly by anyone. Addtionally, technology facilitates the spread of education into areas where such opportunities had not existed at that level.
